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Thursday 6 March 2008

King Of Cups

Drink deeply
and think.
I've come far underwater,
come past shoal and spire
To the base of all things
To the spring of creation
(it's where you came from, you know)
To sit at the head
of creation's table.
To wear its light on my brow.

(and if there is poison in the water, I will know).

Poison. It's because there is clearly a gilt spider on Conway's cup. This should be a small worry when there's a GIANT SHARK lurking in the card's watery background. I didn't see much at first glance here - just the gentle face, the pleasant tone of blue - but there's so much information, much wonder and more darkness if you keep on looking.

As with the image, so with the person.

Kings of Cups are emotionally authoritative, gentle in the ways of the heart and they are usually trying their best to do good. They play the role of protector or guardian. But if they rule from the waters, then they rule over everything that that means, including the GIANT SHARKS. (They may try to pretend this is not the case, that they're not part of the same ecosystem as the bad shit, but they so are).

Following on from here and god knows where else - there's one of those sublime people waiting here for me. His name is Kasimir, and the thought of him is of water and music, and deep amber eyes.

Images of the King of Cups

Here's Orpheus from the Mythic Tarot. You know the story; his wife dies of a snakebite, he goes to the Underworld to sing sad songs about how much he wants her back, and Hades & Persephone make him an offer in order to get rid of him; she can follow you home, sure, but only if you don't look behind you until you get back to the real world. He almost, almost makes it but then turns, because he doesn't believe the gods are keeping their promise - and there he sees her, and there he loses her forever. Doubt, distrust and jealousy are as much a part of this king's realm as love and care are.

This King from the Visconti-Sforza is studying his chalice with sweet, brown eyes.

So Amano has this guy with a duck on his head and an overgrown cat by his spindly feet. The duck looks rather like the swan in Amano's gorgeous Star. On the other hand, the cup on top of the cat - what? - has a definite duck on it. I don't get it, but I think it's grinning at me.

The King of Cups in the Osho Zen tarot is Healing: a lotus blooming at his heart, but huge hands covering his belly and much of his face.

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