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Thursday, 6 March 2008

Ten Of Cups

you could be my reflection
in the waters of life
you could be part of the same weather
share my rainbow
share my body

we can be the things we make together
with no separate goals,
no clambering over each other to avoid
looking into eyes
share our burdens

I could stand by the sea
With you beside me.
I could see family in you, trust
caring and care
love overflowing.

Happy card. Ten full glasses, and more often than not, a rainbow. One could almost forgive it for being the most heteronormative thing ever. Tens of Cups tend to show idealised pictures of family life, as if to say love and be loved; care and be cared for. It works for most people; the rest are left to extrapolate the message to other forms of shared responsibility.

I don't think the Ten of Cups is something you can do alone; that would be the Nine at work. The Ten flows, from one person to another; it has work to do, in spaces between people. Sadly, it can be seen as an end in itself, which it isn't (and kids grow up, and when they do, it usually annoys someone Hit me again). Especially if you're relying on an external situation to create your joys, they won't last forever. Carrying your responsibilities on the inside, the way this young couple in the Intuitive deck does, may make it last.

Images of the Ten of Cups:

The Intuitive pic, which I find just slightly creepy on the one hand, and pleasantly egalitarian on the other. It's part of the same chain of events as the RWS Ten Of Cups, but the message of shared responsibility is just that little bit blunter. Not only that, but because the drawing can't possibly be literal, it's easier to look past its literal meaning.

Scapini has no rainbow, but has made this card into a fortress.

The Osho Zen is all about Harmony. It is about listening to your heart, and about the end of the difficult struggle to attain simplicity. It's rare in that few Tens of Cups contain only one character, but I guess that's the Zen worldview for you.

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